Thursday, December 29, 2005

Convergence, w/Growing Pains,
Is Where We're Headed

'On the one hand, there are the bloggerati, who think mainstream media are moribund if not dead already; that bloggers are inherently more authentic and trustworthy than other voices in our culture; and that now everything changes because of blogs. On the other hand, there are the naysayers who think blogs are already overhyped; that most bloggers have nothing to say; and that without traditional editing, rules, filtering, and financial incentives, blogs will soon go the way of CB radios. The future almost certainly lies in the wide swath between those two polar opposite views...Blogs will coexists with other media for a long time to come, and there will be continual interactions and cross-fertilizations. Some of today's top bloggers will become newspaper and magazine columnists and TV news talent; almost all of today's traditional media will develop blogs of one type or another to extend their reach, connect to the younger demographic, be able to expand their coverage and have more advertising product to sell. Many blogs will develop codes of journalistic ethics appropriate to the blogosphere and take other measures to maintain and enhance credibility. These may not be the exact same rules of the road that have guided traditional journalism, but they will be explicit operating precepts just the same. Meanwhile, bloggers will continue to break new ground in covering stories and paying attention to issues the mainstream media tend to ignore, and will continue to gain grudging respect, credibility, and credentials as the creators of one more important type of media.'

--From blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business and culture. I'll bring you additional key excerpts from this thoughtful, well-written book in coming days.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Jill said...

The author spoke on Diane Rehm a few weeks ago (12/6/05- okay, it feels like a few weeks ago) and I heard some of it. Here's a link:

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom John,

Any book written about any aspect of the Internet is by definition, DOA. Newspaper and magazine articles written about any aspect of the Internet are by definition seriously wounded.



At 12:30 PM, Blogger John Ettorre said...

Jeff my man,
Naturally, I understand your point about shelf life, but I can't say I completely agree. Taken to its ultimate conclusions, that philosophy can lead to a pretty anti-intellectual place, where I know you don't want to be. By that I mean that if we fall into a trap of believing that things (with the web, general technology or anything else) are so completely fluid and changeable in their essence as to be reborn daily or weekly, and that one thus can't take a meaningful snapshot that reveals some possibly deeper fundamental truths, then we've arrived at utter chaos. By the very effort of doing the research, gathering the material, selecting what's and who's smart and vivid and important over what's less so, I would argue that good books (and this is a reasonably good one) deliver value that outlasts whatever technical changes quickly make it dated in other ways. Anyone else care to add their two cents, if only to tell me I'm all wet?


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